Mindful Advocacy — Mastering Difficult Conversations for Lawyers

This online, on-demand program offers a transformative approach to navigating difficult conversations with confidence and clarity through the powerful combination of mindfulness, wise speech and somatic experiencing.

By grounding ourselves in the present during challenging dialogues, you can learn to respond thoughtfully rather than reacting impulsively.

Through guided mindfulness exercises and practical teachings, you will learn to cultivate a heightened sense of self-awareness and emotional regulation.

By being fully present in challenging moments, you can develop the ability to respond rather than react, leading to more thoughtful and balanced interactions.

The practice of wise speech, an integral aspect of this program, will empower you to communicate with empathy, authenticity, and a deep understanding of the impact of their words.

During this on-demand workshop, you'll:


Dive deep into mindfulness techniques

Gain insights into recognizing and addressing your emotional triggers, enhancing your capacity to remain composed during difficult conversations.


Embrace the wisdom of our bodies

Explore techniques to actively listen and express themselves with clarity, ensuring that their messages are heard and understood.


Experience less distress and more ease

Gain practical tools to manage emotions, engage in constructive dialogue, and foster more meaningful and harmonious relationships both in your professional endeavors and personal interactions.

This is an invitation to better understand your reaction during difficult conversations and learn concrete strategies for showing up less anxious and more prepared.

Ready to learn?


Normally $72
Exclusive discount ends soon


What's inside the online class?


1-hour of recorded video content


Handout for the entire presentation


Quick mindfulness tips handout


Coaching questions handout



Jeena Cho is a renowned mindfulness teacher and advocates for integrating mindfulness practices in the legal profession. With a deep understanding of lawyers’ challenges, Jeena brings a compassionate and practical approach to her teaching.

She is the author of the best-selling book, “The Anxious Lawyer,” published by the American Bar Association.

Jeena’s mindfulness expertise, combined with her background as a lawyer, allows her to provide valuable insights and guidance specifically tailored to the needs of legal professionals. Her teachings, rooted in mindfulness, neuroscience, and the mind-body connection, empower lawyers to navigate the demands of their work while cultivating inner calm, clarity, and professional excellence.